Monday, March 26, 2012

Randomness from a self proclaimed bag whore

Random things:

I hate mayonnaise.  Seriously.  It has the nastiest texture and smell.  I don't even like to have to touch it.  Plus, it makes everything sweeter.  I don't want a sweet hamburger.  Yucky YUCK.  I also don't care for salad dressings for the same reasons.  I don't want a sweet salad. YUCKY yuck.

I dislike people who bitch and complain about something and then refuse to do anything about it.  I dislike myself, when I do that, you know, since I am not very confrontational.  (see next one)

I DESPISE confrontation.  Ok, but if I MUST be involved, do NOT think that I will cower down to you.  If I am certain of my views and I am passionate about what I have to say...WATCH OUT!

I am not a big fan of reality tv.  I don't hate it, and yes, I have a few things that I like, but overall....not so much.  I am sorry, but I just cannot get into the housewives of where ever.  (My secret guilty pleasure--19 kids and counting--I swear..I LOVE the Duggars.  But don't tell..since I just said I disliked reality tv, blah, blah, blah--I said MOST.  Duggars don't count :)

I have a bag obsession. Suitcases, duffle bags, purses, small bags, big bags, medium bags...,  It's BAD.  I mean like REALLY bad.  I should have a support group.  Seriously.

I cannot type worth a fig, since I cheated in typing class.  I had the worst time following along.  I talked too much.  I know.....SHOCKER!!

I am a TERRIBLE secret keeper for the most part.  But, I KNOW who NOT to say things too.  But, yea..I SUCK. 

I have a horrible desire to be liked.  Now I am thinking---WTH!!  Clairification---I don't REALLY care if you hate my guts, but DON'T act like it.  Then you are just mean.  And mean people SUCK!  You do not have to be fake about it, but DAMN..have some CLASS!!

Vera Bradley has a new color out --- Lime's Up.  I seriously like it.  really.  REALLY.  (See --bag problem).

I don't really like to watch tv.  I watch cartoons so that I have noise in the background.  I like watching things that I have already seen.  Phineas and Ferb is a favorite.  :)

I like reading and watching things that are about the Civil War.  It is something that I can watch anytime.

If I could visit anywhere, I would go to Scotland.  What holds me back, is that I am not sure that I could leave there once I got there.  There is just SOMETHING about it.  It makes my heart ache with longing.  Seriously!!

If I could live anywhere, besides Scotland, I would live in Washington DC.  It is truly one of my favorite places on earth.  There is so much history.  You can feel the sadness in so many places there.  Sometimes, it can take your breath away.  Every American should visit. EVERY!

I like Ladybugs.  When I see them, I know that my Granny is saying hello from heaven.  They show up in the CRAZIEST places and ALWAYS when I need them.

I have an obsessive compulsive personality.  When I find something that I love/like, I tend to go WAYYYYY overboard.  ie: Harry Potter, Facebook, Pinterest, Sharks, The Beatles, Vera Bradley, Etsy, etc.  You get the idea. And now... I am blogging..NEW ONE! 

I LOVE the theatre.  I could spend years just going to broadway plays and be TOTALLY happy.  I would need a new bag for each one.......

I have a bag problem.

I talk to dead people, and sometimes they talk back.  Sometimes, they turn lights on and off.  Sometimes their heels click in the house.  You get the idea.  It's a wee bit creepy to some people, but I am used to it.  You don't have to believe me.  It has been going on since I was a kid.  In this instance, you don't have to like me. :) --- But, remember..have some class.

I like glue.  I like rubbing glue on my hands and then letting it dry.  When you close your hands it looks like dead skin. SO COOL!!

I really like stickers!!!!  Especially with my name on them. I should be a 7 year old girl. ;)

Well, If you made it this far..I am done for now.  I am sure I will have another random day.  I like random things. :)


  1. I actually think you are a great secret keeper. You never say anything that you shouldn't until you have, if you have, been given permission.

    Remember that one time, very recently, that I found a ladybug in our classroom and I showed it to you! Granny came to school with us that day! ♥

    1. I love that you know me and you still love me. :)
